CBD Seeds

CBD weed legal in Canada, and it’s not the same as THC. It has many advantages over THC and it’s very popular among Canadian cannabis smokers. It’s more than smoking a joint, CBD gummies and THC candy are becoming more and more popular every year.

Make you own CBD oil

Many Canadians don’t trust corporations and the way they mass produce CBD oil. Especially people using CBD for medical purposes. They prefer to grow their own organic ways, like a craft. Just think of the last time you drank a common corporate beer and compare that to a fresh craft beer. The difference is enormous. That’s why we recommend that you grow your own weed and make your own CBD oil. It’s the highest quality product that you’ll be able to obtain, no matter which country you happen to live in.

Difference between THC and CBD

The main difference is that CBD can be extracted from hemp seed but THC cannot. CBD can also be extracted from cannabis sativa and cannbis indica seeds. Another notable difference is that THC has a different effect on your mind and body than CBD. THC is the stuff that gets you high, while CBD is something entirely different, but it changes the effects THC has. So it can be really great to have a 1:1 ratio of THC:CBD. You can also try different ratio’s to find what suits you the best. Each person has a different buzz, so it best try sample as much CBD weed as possible.

Most grower want to buy Female CBD seeds

To make growing your own CBD easier, you’ll want to start with feminized CBD seeds. That way you don’t wast all your time and evergy on male plants. Our silver haze is a popular strain fro growing your own feminized CBD strains.

Contact us with your CBD needs

If you have any question or suggestion, please contact us right away. Many new CBD cannabis growers are new and need help and advice and we’re always here to help you.

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